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Sippican Junior RepORters

Jr. RepORters is a program offered to grade 5 students which was created in partnership with our local community television network under the direction of Sippican Enrichment Teacher Chelsey Lawrence and ORCTV's Samantha Lawrence.  Students apply for this opportunity and, once accepted, attend one day per week during their lunch and recess time. This is a team of students who work together to plan, create, and record material about important information and events going on at Sippican School. Each week, students write scripts, appear on camera, and record news segments. All students learn camera operation, on-screen etiquette and script writing/storyboarding.


Chelsey Lawrence
Sippican School Enrichment Teacher

Samantha Lawrence
ORCTV Education Outreach Coordinator

2023-24 Videos

Videos below appear in reverse chronological order.

Holiday Shop PSA - 12/08/23

November News

November All School Meeting

Introduction to Group 1